
SHARE Foundation signs Declaration on Copyright for Creativity
SHARE Foundation signed the Declaration for Europe and joined the Copyright4Creativity coalition, which advocates for a new approach to copyright in Europe which can benefit all, foster innovation, incentivise and reward creativity and improve the availability of products of the European creative spirit.
Signatories of the Declaration call upon the European Commission, European Parliament and EU Member States to adjust copyright exceptions with the following principles:
- Harmonise Exceptions Across Europe
- Act as a Spur to Innovation
- Support User Creativity and Wider Participation
- Ensure Accessibility by all Europeans
- Support for Education and Research
- Facilitate Preservation and Archiving
- Ensure Monopoly Rights are Regulated in the Online Environment
- Promote these Principles in International Discussions
Recent adoption of the Draft Copyright Directive in the European Parliament, which envisions internet filtering, is an additional spur to include a wider range of organisations in the coalition.
“Upload filters would seriously hamper our right to freely receive and impart information on the internet and would effectively make private online platforms the arbiters of speech”, explains Danilo Krivokapić, Director of SHARE Foundation.