SHARE Foundation signs Declaration on Copyright for Creativity

SHARE Foundation signed the Declaration for Europe and joined the Copyright4Creativity coalition, which advocates for a new approach to copyright in Europe which can benefit all, foster innovation, incentivise and reward creativity and improve the availability of products of the European creative spirit. Signatories of the Declaration call upon the European Commission, European Parliament and EU Member States to […]

Adopted Copyright Directive draft envisions “upload filters”

On 12 September, the European Parliament adopted changes to the draft Copyright Directive, which is a huge overturn of the Parliament’s previous position on the text which did not pass the vote in July. Negotiations of the Parliament and the Council of the European Union are to come, with mediation by the European Commission, and the […]

Net neutrality law adopted in California State Assembly

California State Assembly adopted a new law with the goal to guarantee net neutrality. California Internet Consumer Protection and Net Neutrality Act 2018 forbids the practices of electronic communications providers which include throttling, blocking or other interference with the internet traffic of their users, as well as providing prioritised speed to some apps compared to others. Vote […]