Resources / Initiatives and tools

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Cybersecurity toolkit

A platform that provides one-stop instructions and possible solutions to problems with websites, applications or devices, allows you to learn more about good practices in the protection of information systems and digital goods and offers advice if you are facing technology-based violence or harassment.

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Thousands of Cameras

Smart surveillance system which is being installed in Belgrade and announced in other cities in Serbia threatens to change our public spaces forever. SHARE Foundation joined the #hiljadekamera (#thousandsofcameras) citizen initiative to help spread knowledge about facial recognition technology and its effects on society. Join the initiative!

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Data protection representatives

Here you can find contact information of foreign companies in Serbia, which can be contacted by the citizens in order to exercise their legal rights such as the right to access, deletion, data portability and other personal data related rights. Foreign companies collecting personal data of citizens of Serbia are obligated to appoint their representatives in our country so that the citizens can contact them regarding their rights.

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Personal Data Toolkit

Platform with tools for self-assessment of legal compliance of personal data processing in an organisation and generating privacy policies. Also contains “My Data, My Rights”, a guidebook for citizens.

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My Data

Here you can find research on personal data processing practices in the public sector, as well as interactive tools for organisations and citizens.

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My Data Done Right

Multilingual portal (available for citizens of Serbia) intended for citizens who want to submit a request for access, deletion, correction or transfer of personal data to the companies and organisations processing their personal data.

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In the Net

Documentary TV series produced by SHARE Foundation. In ten episodes, well-known local and international experts and activists speak about topics of importance for human rights in the digital environment, such as freedom of expression, privacy, new media and digital security.

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Declaration on the respect of internet freedoms in political communications consists of guidelines based on current regulations which enable all participants in public communication to be equal in the online political debate, without breaching legal and ethical norms and by respecting the basics of internet culture.

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