
GDPR Today – Stats, news and tools to make data protection a reality

GDPR Today, launched on 25 October, is your online hub for staying tuned to the (real) life of EU data protection law. The project will monitor the implementation of the law across Europe by publishing statistics and sharing relevant news around key subjects.

GDPR Today, led by several EDRi member organisations, aims to complement our association’s past support for the data protection reform.

Katarzyna Szymielewicz, vice-president of EDRi and co-founder and president of Panoptykon Foundation

Behind GDPR Today there are several civil society organisations who work together under the umbrella of European Digital Rights – EDRi, an association which supported the EU data protection reform. The initiative will prioritise building knowledge around legal guidelines and decisions, data breaches, new codes of conduct, tools facilitating individuals’ exercise of rights, important business developments and governmental support for data protection authorities. The GDPR Today is an instrument aimed at data protection experts, activists, journalists, lawyers, and anyone interested in  the protection of personal data.

Our goal with GDPR Today is to present facts to the public on the implementation of the law, so that those interested can follow how the GDPR is both shaping the EU digital market and helping people regain control over their personal data.

Estelle Massé, Senior Policy Analyst and Global Data Protection Lead at Access Now

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