
Conference on socio-ecological impacts of technology

Digital | Green | Society

A two-day international conference dedicated to the consequences that the dizzying development of technology has on the environment, citizens and society, will be held from May 14 to 16 in Belgrade

The conference organized by the leading regional organization for digital rights SHARE Foundation, will take place in the KC GradThe full program with line-up is available here. Due to limited space, it is necessary to register for a seat.

Despite significant achievements in science and social activism, new digital technologies have brought us closer to the horizon of dystopia thanks to the unprecedented and uncontrolled exploitation of natural resources. At the same time, various applications of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things or robotics, transform people – their features, behavior, mutual relationships and interactions with the environment – into data (datafication) that is increasingly easier to manage.

What exactly are the new types of political system such as extractive capitalism and surveillance capitalism? In what way is it possible to analyze their key elements and establish a new social critique? What do you know about the life cycle of your smartphone, from the cobalt pit in the Congo, to a landfill in your city – and at which of these stages do you recognize your personal responsibility? What are the new, greener policies that we need to truly bear that responsibility? These are just some of the issues the participants will reflect upon during the event.

Conference Digital | Green | Society is developed as a platform for discussing the existing and opening new questions from the intersection of politics, human rights and technology. In addition to lectures and presentations, the program includes the local premiere of a documentary on the expansion of surveillance in China (as part of the Beldocs festival), various workshops, as well as professional guidance through public spaces in Belgrade of importance for human rights and freedoms.

Contact: [email protected] 
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