
Adopted Copyright Directive draft envisions “upload filters”

On 12 September, the European Parliament adopted changes to the draft Copyright Directive, which is a huge overturn of the Parliament’s previous position on the text which did not pass the vote in July. Negotiations of the Parliament and the Council of the European Union are to come, with mediation by the European Commission, and the […]

Apply for the 2024 Digital Rights Summer School!

The applications for the 2024 Digital Rights Summer School in Perast, Montenegro are now open! The School takes place from 25 to 31 August 2024, and this year’s program is designed for enthusiasts based in Southeast Europe, who are passionate about digital rights and eager to learn more about the latest developments in this field. During […]

Digital ecosystem of the Western Balkans: from regulatory gap to systemic approach

Alongside the innovations, technological breakthroughs and shifts in the digital industry, the third decade of the 21st century also marks a kind of institutional milestone primarily recognized through the establishment of the European Union’s Digital Single Market, accompanied by a set of rules aimed at ensuring that all rights and freedoms guaranteed to citizens by […]

Digital Rights Summer School: Where Is AI Leading Us

The second Digital Rights Summer School was held from July 23rd to 29th in Perast, Montenegro, with more than 50 participants and lecturers coming together to exchange and acquire knowledge about current issues at the intersection of society, technology, and human rights. The Digital Rights Summer School is organised by the SHARE Foundation in cooperation with the European […]


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Open Letter: Serbian authorities must prosecute illegal hacking of journalists and activists

Today, 19 December, European Digital Rights (EDRi) and 50 organisations urge the European Union’s institutions to take action to stop the Serbian authorities’ illegal use of spyware to target journalists, activists, and members of civil society. On 16 December, Amnesty International released a report exposing widespread abuses by the Serbian police and Security Information Agency (BIA) through the use […]

MUP and BIA illegally hacking phones of activists and journalists

Proven use of spyware and forensic tools contrary to law The use of spyware represents a serious attack on human rights, freedom of expression and privacy of citizens. In Serbia its use is becoming a common practice. A new report by Amnesty International indicates widespread use of spyware against activists, journalists and members of civil society by […]

Gender-based digital violence in Serbia: a review of trends

Digital violence against girls and women in Serbia is steadily on the rise, as increasingly disturbing headlines in the media attest. Among the most frequent targets of abusers are female journalists, social activists, politicians, and other prominent women in the public sphere. Additionally, well-known women often experience more extreme forms of this violence. Weak legal […]

Summer School: Challenges of regulating the digital environment

The third Digital Rights Summer School was held from 25 to 31 August in Perast, Montenegro, gathering more than 40 journalists, activists and experts in the fields of AI, media, human rights, surveillance, and digital policy. During five days of talks and workshops, numerous issues regarding the regulation of the digital environment were discussed and […]

Digital ecosystem of the Western Balkans: from regulatory gap to systemic approach

Alongside the innovations, technological breakthroughs and shifts in the digital industry, the third decade of the 21st century also marks a kind of institutional milestone primarily recognized through the establishment of the European Union’s Digital Single Market, accompanied by a set of rules aimed at ensuring that all rights and freedoms guaranteed to citizens by […]

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cases of digital rights violations

Dec. 24, 2024

Post of Serbia warned about SMS scams

The Post of Serbia has warned citizens of two scams via SMS messages that contain links to fake pages that are not owned by that company. In one identified campaign, recipients are advised that their shipment allegedly could not be delivered because customs fees had not been paid, while another fraudulent campaign requires them to update an incorrect address in order for the package to be delivered.

Dec. 24, 2024

A fake student donation bank account circulating online

From the X account "Students in Blockade" it was announced that a fake account bank number for the alleged payment of financial aid is circulating on social media. The statement emphasized that students do not receive financial aid, but donations from citizens in the form of food, drinks, clothes and other things that can be brought directly to the faculty.

Initiatives and tools

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Data protection representatives

Here you can find contact information of foreign companies in Serbia, which can be contacted by the citizens in order to exercise their legal rights such as the right to access, deletion, data portability and other personal data related rights. Foreign companies collecting personal data of citizens of Serbia are obligated to appoint their representatives in our country so that the citizens can contact them regarding their rights.

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Cybersecurity toolkit

A platform that provides one-stop instructions and possible solutions to problems with websites, applications or devices, allows you to learn more about good practices in the protection of information systems and digital goods and offers advice if you are facing technology-based violence or harassment.

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Thousands of Cameras

Smart surveillance system which is being installed in Belgrade and announced in other cities in Serbia threatens to change our public spaces forever. SHARE Foundation joined the #hiljadekamera (#thousandsofcameras) citizen initiative to help spread knowledge about facial recognition technology and its effects on society. Join the initiative!

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